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Open Book




All events this semester are hybrid and take place between 17:15-18:30 BST/GMT at 50 George Square, Room 3.54. To attend online, please click here to register.


Mon 10th October

Paul Newton-Jackson (Cambridge/Edinburgh) 'Musical Insights into Early Modern German-Polish Relations'


Tue 18th October

Dr Jamie Forde (Edinburgh) 'Stone--Flowers--Silk: Ecology, Polychromy, and Utopia in Mexico's Early Modern Churches'


Tue 25th October

Dr Andrew Horn (St Andrews) 'Sacred drama, sculpture and Sacri Monti: Performing the Passion in northern Italy, c. 1480-1700'


Tue 1st November

Dr Karie Schultz (St Andrews) 'Education and the Catholic Mission in Scotland, c. 1660-1707'


Tue 22nd November

Dr Emmanuelle Lacore-Martin (Edinburgh) ''Rack'd carcasses make ill anatomies': The anatomy of love and melancholy in French literary and medical texts of the late Renaissance'


Mon 28th November

Dr Andrew Bricker (Ghent) '‘Every Common Reader’: Satire, Libel Law and the Emergence of Objective Interpretive Procedures'


Tue 6th December

Caitlin Rankin-McCabe (Durham) '‘Glorious angels, or else cursed devils!’ Transforming women into angels in early modern rhetoric'


Our events get underway at 5.15pm via Zoom. Please register via our Eventbrite which will go live after the 15th September.


To join the Edinburgh Early Modern Network, please email with your name and academic affiliation (if any). Follow us on Twitter @EdEarlyModern

Tue 21st Sept. 5:00 pm, Culture and Spaces in the 18th Century Dr Millie Schurch (St Andrews) ‘’Where ye sweetness of a cultivated Country is intermixed with the sublime’’: Cultivating Land, Letters and Literature in Elizabeth Montagu’s Travels in Scotland’ and Anna Myers (Edinburgh) ‘From Public to Private: Shakespeare at Home in 18th Century England’

Tue 28th Sept. 5:15 pm, Prof John Lee (Durham) ‘Reassessing Forests and the State in the Early Modern World: The Longevity of State Forestry in Early Modern Korea’

Tue 12th Oct. 5:15pm, Dr Georg Christ (Manchester) Title tbd

Tue 26th Oct. 5:15 pm, Dr Katie Bank (Birmingham) ‘These things seem wondrous, yet more wondrous I’: Richard Hakluyt and Thomas Weelkes's 'Thule, the period of cosmographie’

Tue 2nd Nov. 5:15 pm, Sarah Van Eyndhoven (Edinburgh) and Lisa Gotthard (Edinburgh) What Happened to Scots? Contact and Identity in Early Modern Scotland

Tue 9th Nov. 5:15 pm, Travel and Identity in the Early Modern World Cecilia Mazzocchio (St Andrews) In Search of the ‘Other’: Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Martyrdom of the Franciscans (c. 1340) and Imani Khaled (Manchester) 'Collecting non-normative bodies at Early Modern Courts’

Tue 16th Nov. 5:15pm, Prof Andrew Pettegree and Dr Arthur der Weduwen (St Andrews) ‘Library Failure in the First Age of Print’


Wed 24th Nov. 5:15pm, In Collaboration with the Society of Renaissance Studies: Jesuit Knowledge in the Early Modern World via CrowdCast

  • Silvia Cinnella Della Porta (Firenze) "Jesuit knowledge in Early Modern England: the translation of José de Acosta's Historia and the mysteries of Peru"

  • Dr Richard Oosterhoff (Edinburgh) 'Ingenious Jesuitical Knowledge'

  • Prof Ulrike Strasser (University of California San Diego) and Prof Renate Durr (Tübingen), Jesuits and the Enlightenment: De-centering the Enlightenment, Micro-historical perspectives on global transfers

Wed 1st Dec. 5:15pm, Collaboration with Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Late Antique and Medieval Postgraduate Society, Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Research Group and the Edinburgh Early Modern Network. Pre Modern Migrations: Communities, Ideas and Materials on the Move

Tue 7th Dec. 5:15 pm, Dr Raphaële Garrod (Oxford) ‘Shit for Brain’: Constipation, Missing the Mark and the Grotesque Outcomes of Literalness in François Rabelais’s Papimanes episode (Quart Livre 51-52)

Tue 14th Dec. Early Modern Law Roundtable Dr Rebecca Mason (Glasgow), Matthew Cleary (Edinburgh), Dr Guido Rossi (Edinburgh)


All our seminars are held online this semester. Click here to register.

Tue 12 January 5.15pm, Postgraduate Lightning Talks: Part One

  • Yidan Liu, Early Modern Chinese and Italian Materia Medica

  • Madelaine Reynolds, The “Social Lives” of Alchemical Manuscripts

  • Shauna Hood, The Material Culture of Violence in Scotland

  • Ivy McKay, The Presence of the Derridean Speech Act in Fairy Tales

Tue 19 January 5.15pm, Early Modern Pub Quiz

Tue 26th January 5.15pm, Postgraduate Lightning Talks: Lightning Strikes Twice

  • Rory Lamb, 'A great vast wilderness' – Robert Kirk and the Scottish discovery of London, 1660-1707

  • Eleonora Calviello, A Paradise Lost and the State of Innocence: The Beginning of an Infamous Enmity

  • Harry Lewis, The Jacobite diaspora in the Caribbean

  • Jen Hazleton, The Enemy in Renaissance Humanist Literature

Tue 2 February 5.15pm, Prof Nicholas Jones (Bucknell) Cervantine Blackness

Tue 9 February 5.15pm, in collaboration with Gent Early Modern Studies (GEMS), Early Modern Oral Cultures and Communities

  • Renée Vulto (Gent) Singing the Revolution- Celebratory Songs in the Batavian Republic

  • Dr Nathan Hood (Edinburgh) ‘Songs of the Heart’: The Emotional Power of Psalm-Singing in Scottish Protestantism 1560-1640

Tue 16th February 5.15pm, Prof Laura Sangha (Exeter) Ghost Stories: Gender and Social Functions

Tue 23 February 5.15pm, in collaboration with the Society for Renaissance Studies, Early Modern LGBT+ Roundtable, via CrowdCast, Chaired by Dr. Robert Stagg (Oxford)

  • Dr Eza Horbury (UCL) Transphobia in Early Modern Literature

  • Prof David L. Orvis (Appalachian State) Sexuality and Identity Before Sexology

  • Prof Kate Chedgzoy (Newcastle) Childhood and Contemporary Heterosexuality

Tue 2nd March 5.15pm, Prof Naomi Pullin (Warwick) Sociability and Solitude in Early Modern Britain

Tue 9th March 5.15pm, Dr David Rosenthal (Exeter) Revisiting the Early Modern City: Public History and Locative Media

Tue 16th March 5.15pm, Dr Sheila Barker (Medici Archive Project) Plague, Art, and Empathy in an Age of Individualism: Raphael's Pathosformel and Its Afterlife

Thurs 18th March 5.15pm, Prof Miles Grier (City University of New York) Kim Hall and the First Anthropologists of Early Modern Whiteness

Mon 22nd March 5.15pm, Dr Shanti Graheli (Glasgow) Title TBD

Tue 30th March 5.15pm, Prof Julian Goodare (Edinburgh) Valuing Land and its Produce in Early Modern Scotland


All our seminars are held online this semester. Click here to register.

Tues 29th September, 5.15pm: Ciaran Jones (Edinburgh) ‘Penitent Witches in Early Modern Scotland’. Chaired by Matthew Cleary

Mon 5th October, 5.15pm: Suzanne Karr-Schmidt (Newberry Library, Chicago), Speaking on the subject of interactive prints in the Newbury Library. Chaired by Julia Smith

Tues 13th October, 5.15pm: Early Modern Pub Quiz

Tues 20th October, 5.15pm: Double Event Chaired by Thom Pritchard

1. Anna Fielding (Manchester Metropolitan) ‘Hospitality in Protestant and Catholic Gentry Families’

2. Lauren Kilbane (Abderdeen) ‘O Woe is Me! Female Remembrance and Mourning in Early Modern English Drama’. Chaired by Thom Pritchard.

Tues 27th October, 5.15pm: Double Event Chaired by Richard Oosterhoff

1. Gareth Paterson (St Andrews) ‘The Role Played by the idea of freedom in Kant’s Groundwork III’

2. Glen Taylor (York) ‘Places Appointed’: The Role of Formal Education in Francis Bacon’s Great Instauration’.

Tues 3rd November, 5.15pm: Catherine Fletcher (Manchester Metropolitan), ‘Guns and Gun Control in 16th Century Italy’. Chaired by Stephen Bowd.

Thurs 12th November, 5.15pm: Rachel Willie (Liverpool John Moores) ‘The Role of Hearing in Nicholas Bownde’s Doctrine of the Sabbath’. Chaired by Julia Smith.

Tues 17th November, 5.15pm: Rachel Chung (Edinburgh) ‘Performing Sex. Staging Sexual Violence in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus’. Chaired by Jillian Luke

Thurs-Fri 26th-27th November. Northern Early Modern Network Conference.

Tues 1st December, 5.15pm: Anna Groundwater (National Museums Scotland) and Georgia Vullinghs (Edinburgh) ‘Loyalty and Resistance: The Affective Power of Jacobite Material Culture’. Chaired by Thom Pritchard.

Tues 8th December, 5.15pm: Suzanne Trill (Edinburgh) Title to Follow. Chaired by Jillian Luke.


Our seminar programme this semester was affected by industrial action and the Covid-19 pandemic

Wed 29th January: Hannah De Witt (LLC), ‘What About Mary? The Crossdressing of Mary Fitzallard in the Shadow of Moll Cutpurse’

Wed 12th February: Julia Smith (ECA), ‘The World of Colour in Printed Books from Renaissance Nuremberg’

Monday 24th February (cancelled due to industrial action): Anna Groundwater (National Museum of Scotland) and Georgia Vullinghs (NMS/ECA), ‘Loyalty and Resistance: The Affective Power of Jacobite Material Culture’

Wednesday March 11th (cancelled due to industrial action): Suzanne Trill (LLC), ‘Records of Resistance: The Personal and the Political in Anne, Lady Halkett’s Meditations c. 1660-1699’

Wednesday 25th March (cancelled due to pandemic): Simon Burton (Divinity), ‘Luther and the Logic of Faith: Scholasticism and Mysticism at the Origins of the German Reformation’

Monday 6th April (cancelled due to pandemic): Ciaran Jones (HCA), ‘Penitent Witches in Early Modern Scotland’

Wednesday 16th April (cancelled due to pandemic): Rachel Chung (LLC), ‘Performing Sex. Staging Sexual Violence in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus’


Our seminar schedule for Autumn 2019

Wednesday 9th October: Dr Lucinda Byatt (LLC), ‘Republicanism in Mid-Sixteenth Century Italy’

Monday 21st October: Dr Alex Corrigan (Divinity), ‘John Napier’s Seventeenth Century English Legacy’

Monday 18th November: Dr James Cook (ECA), 'Hearing Historic Scotland'

Wednesday 20th November: Dr Catriona Murray (ECA), ‘Stuart Funeral Sculpture’

Thursday 5th December: Jillian Luke (LLC), ‘Seeing Red: The Renaissance Blush’

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